Designing Spatial Inspirations

The modern workplace has evolved. Now transformed by co-working, collaboration and play, the modern office makes space for technology, transparency and a dynamic flexibility designed for active team collaboration as well as breakout areas for highly focused deep work. 

Project subline Project subline
et magnis dis parturient montes
nascetur ridiculus mus.

Designing Spatial Inspirations

The modern workplace has evolved. Now transformed by co-working, collaboration and play, the modern office makes space for technology, transparency and a dynamic flexibility designed for active team collaboration as well as breakout areas for highly focused deep work.


The role of color in a spatial context is important for the worker, where concentration is paramount in a highly distracted and fast-paced environment - both on and offline.

The role of color in a spatial context is important for the worker, where concentration is paramount in a highly distracted and fast-paced environment - both on and offline.


Our client wanted us to explore the role of color within the corporate office space. We developed a direction for spatial product visualization to inspire architects and interior designers that could inspire their own designs and one that prioritized concentration, wellbeing and flow for employees.

Our client wanted us to explore the role of color within the corporate office space. We developed a direction for spatial product visualization to inspire architects and interior designers that could inspire their own designs and one that prioritized concentration, wellbeing and flow for employees.




Project: Design Direction
Date: 2019
Client: Shaw Contract
Renderings: Recent Spaces
Brochure: Copyright Shaw Contract

Project: Design Direction
Date: 2019
Client: Shaw Contract
Renderings: Recent Spaces
Brochure: Copyright Shaw Contract

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